CIS 195, Web Authoring 1: HTML

Lab 3 Instructions


Create a single web page that contains short sections of information on some topic. The page should have a set of links at the top of the page that take a user to those sections on the same page. The page should use each of the following HTML elements:

Please pick a topic other than the one in my example web page and create your own links and ids rather than copying and pasting mine.

Part 2: Restructured Review Site.

You will restructure your review site from the previous lab so that each review page and its images are in their own directory (folder). The folders will be structured as shown in the outline below. You can use any folder names you wish, but remember to name the home page file index.html.

You will also add a set of navigation links, in a nav element, to each web page .

Copy the existing review site into a new directory before making the revisions.

Check your pages using the W3C HTML Validator


Publishing to citstudent


Submitting your web sites to Moodle

  1. Zip the files for part 1.

  2. Zip the files for part 2.

  3. Upload both zip files to Moodle using the lab submission link.

  4. Enter the URLs of the two home pages in the text area of the Moodle submission page.



Grading rubric for lab 3