HTML Tables

Course weeks and topics 
1. Intro to HTML 56. Page Layout with CSS
2. First Web Page7. HTML Tables
3. Developing a Web Site8. HTML Forms
4. Design with CSS9. Multimedia
5. Midterm10.Term Project


Table of Contents





Structure of a Table

Tables are constructed using multiple elements (which means multiple tags). A table with two rows and three columns would be written in HTML like this:


The table will be rendered in a browser like this:

row1, column 1 row1, column 2 row 1, column 3
row2, column 1 row2, column 2 row 2, column 3



Borders can be added using CSS. For example:


The table will be rendered like this:

row1, column 1 row1, column 2 row 1, column 3
row2, column 1 row2, column 2 row 2, column 3



A special type of table cell is a heading, . The following code can be placed above row 1 and provides headings for the columns:


The table will be rendered like this:

column 1column 2column 3
row 1, column 1row 1, column 2row 1, column 3
row 2, column 1row 2, column 2row 2, column 3


Row and Column Spans

The rowspan attribute is used to make a <td> element stretch across two rows.

The colspan attribute is used to make a <td> element stretch across two columns.

The table will be rendered like this:

row 1, columns 1 and 2 rows 1 and 2, column 3
row2, column 1 row2, column 2



Captions can be positioned using CSS. For example:


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